"Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership, and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description, is a moving and fascinating adventure." - Bill W.

Our Purpose and Philosophy
The Alcoholics Rehabilitation Association of San Francisco, Inc., operates the ARA First Step Home, a residence for men and women who are suffering from alcoholism or other substance abuse disorders. We provide a springboard from which motivated individuals can return to their rightful place in society. Our Home is structured around the 12-step model. We also happily refer to outside community resources to aid in the recovery process.
Every ARA resident is expected to take full responsibility by becoming self-supporting while continuing to heal, make amends, and work a holistic program of recovery. The onus of recovery is on each resident. This continued effort will allow a return to a sober, productive life.
What We Offer
ARA provides room and board, a clean and sober recovery community, and a professionally staffed office 365 days a year. Our House supports a beautiful yard and grounds situated a few steps away from Buena Vista Park and the historic, vibrant Haight Ashbury neighborhood.
Resident's Commitment
ARA residents are asked to commit themselves to a six month minimum term at the ARA First Step Home. This stay may be extended by maintaining good standing in the house. Click here to learn more.
Each Resident Must Meet the Following Qualifications Attend The Following Meetings
Completion of a residential treatment program (minimum 28 days) within the last year
An honest and sincere desire to maintain sobriety
The need for food, shelter, and an atmosphere of friendly understanding
Ability and willingness to accept gainful employment
Honestly working a program of recovery and betterment
Monday and Thursday 7:30PM A.A. meetings at ARA and one outside 12-step meeting of their choice
Tuesday house meetings at 6:30 PM
Monday and Friday 10:00AM employment meetings (if not permanently employed)

"We of AA find ourselves in a world characterized by destructive fears as never before in history. But, in it we nevertheless see great areas of faith and tremendous aspirations toward justice and brotherhood. Yet no profit can presume to say whether the world outcome will be blazing destruction or the beginning, under God's intention, of the brightest era yet known to mankind...
We AA's can say that we do not fear the world outcome, whichever course it may take.This is because we have been enabled to deeply feel and say, we shall fear no evil - Thy will, not ours, be done." – Bill W.